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Hannes Calligraphy

Monkey - Hou

Glass-plate - Monkey
Calligraphy on Rice Paper

The Monkey is the ninth symbol in the Chinese zodiac and stands for “fantasy”. It has positive characteristics such as being intelligent, passionate, funny, inventive, active and logical but also has negative traits such as being disloyal, silly, without scruples and vain.  With a Monkey-born life is never boring. Monkeys are extremely clever and have the ability to judge situations out of the corner of their eyes and with one glance they can evaluate a situation and adapt themselves accordingly. Monkeys are incredibly manipulative and will always steer situations to their advantage. They use their unbelievable charm, with full intent in order to achieve their goals every day.

As friends and partners:

Monkeys remain young at heart and this nonconformity will stay with them until their dying days. Monkeys are amusing and love to entertain their fellow men, but they also like to be entertained themselves.

When Monkeys are able to use their brilliant minds and their talent for parody to draw in their audiences, Monkeys are truly in their element. As partners they love change which is why in relationship they don’t really have the reputation of being faithful partners.